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Host Mark Malkoff talks with guests about legendary talk show host Johnny Carson. Guests include stand-up comics who debuted on the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, individuals that worked on the show, frequent guests, and top entertainers that were influenced by Carson.


  1. Love your Podcast, your knowledge, and your enthusiasm.
    So great to hear your guests perspective on one of the greatest of the greats.
    Thank you!

    • Howard,

      Your interview regarding Johnny was kind, humble and very well spoken. It describes a beautiful friendship of two great people.


      • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

        Totally agree!

  2. Eric Beiningen Eric Beiningen

    Love the interviews. Your knowledge of the show adds great insight. Only complaint is the audio is sometimes difficult to hear. The recent Peter Lassally was excellent, whereas I could Barely hear the Kevin Nealon episode. Keep up the good work and the great guests.

  3. Jason Jason

    Mark, your podcasts are the best. I wait with anticipation each week for the next interview. You are truly doing great work in keeping the brilliance of Mr. Carson alive. Thank you.

  4. Bill Bill

    Very well done. I never miss listening to the podcast as soon as it is available. You have a great interviewing style and really let us appreciate the real Johnny Carson especially since there was so much trash thrown at him by his ex-lawyer to sell a book . it is nice to understand that he was a complex man, but basically decent. The genius of Johnny Carson has also been underestimated and in your interviews that is one of the constant themes.

  5. Michael Michael

    Mark – I’ve subscribed to your podcast for the past several months and have heard all of the episodes. You have really hit your stride. Your knowledge of The Tonight Show and Johnny is surpassed only by your enthusiasm for the topic and the man, himself. I’m a Baby Boomer who grew up watching Johnny as he had the last word on America’s day and he was a treasure. Thanks for keeping his memory alive and, more importantly, adding to our knowledge of this cultural institution. Continued success!

  6. Josh Feldman Josh Feldman

    Great job on this podcast. Love the good ole days. Gen X checking in.

  7. Pete R. Pete R.

    I can only thank you, Mark. I’m delighted to discover this haven for analysis and reflection on the Carson era of “The Tonight Show,” and subjects like Rich Little, Charles Grodin and Mel Brooks prove you’re not fooling around. And Teresa Ganzel? Golly!
    Hearing just two episodes (Little and documentarian Peter Jones –well done), I am a fast fan. Long may your podcast live and thrive.

  8. Mark Reesor Mark Reesor

    These are a real treat. So many of us really miss Johnny and learning more about him from the people who knew and worked with him is a rare privilege. Thanks so much for doing this!

  9. Hi Mark. I just left the following review at the iTunes store for you:

    Great idea for a podcast. I grew up watching Johnny Carson – no one called it the Tonight Show back then, of course – and remember so many of the guests Malkoff interviews. It’s wonderful to hear their stories and still learn new things about the King of Latenight and the people who were influenced by him.
    As others have pointed out, Malkoff is definitely a fanboy and tends to get a little too geeky about the position he finds himself in. And, yes, his interviewing skills need to be honed a bit. However, as Carol Burnett pointed out in her interview (talking about Vicki Lawrence) – and I’m paraphrasing – everyone starts out rough. I’m impressed that this young man not only came up with the idea, but has been able to connect with so many of the “old gang” from those days.
    He’s also managed to keep up the weekly schedule for nearly a year now. The interviews are rough, but I’m enjoying myself and will keep listening.
    Thanks to Mark for reminding us what a treasure we had!

    • Fwiw, my experience here is a bit different. I’ve been amazed how knowledgable and well-researched Mark Malkoff is in the episodes I have heard. The dozen or so I’ve enjoyed have not been rough at all, although I’m sure the ones you heard were. I know many of the comedians he’s interviewed, and have been impressed w the host’s memory for comedians and bits, which is why I love it so much.

  10. Todd Mulligan Todd Mulligan

    One of the best podcasts and such an original concept from what sounds like a very young man but wise beyond his years. I’m not very old I just got to watch the tail end of Johnny Carson but still remember a little and your podcasts is a virtual Time Machine I have enjoyed every podcast sincerely and I’m curious to what you plan on doing in the future once this is all wrapped up with a bow which it really never can be. Thank you so much

  11. Mary Rowe Mary Rowe

    I started listening to these podcasts two days ago and can’t stop.
    I liked Carson, love stand-up and enjoy hearing about the process of becoming famous.
    Mark Malkoff, you are a terrific interviewer, clearly the right person to do this given how personable, enthusiastic and knowledgable you are. Keep it up, and thank you.

  12. This site is outstanding. Keep it up. People need to remember the genius of Carson. All of the anecdotes about the show are interesting. Carson was special since he wanted his guests to shine. He did not need the spotlight on himself at all times, unlike some hosts. Carson fans, check out this fan page on Facebook

  13. Milt Milt

    Any interviews with anybody from the Tonight Show band? It doesn’t have to be with Doc, but I’d sure like to hear about the daily routine and how they thought about stump the band.

    • Agreed, that would be fascinating. Doc would be great, or any other band members. Unfortunately, some of them are gone, like Ed Shaughnessy and Snooky Young. Maybe Don Sweeney would be a good guest? He worked with the band a lot. That band was absolutely fantastic, with some of the world’s best jazz musicians.

  14. Joe Joe

    for whatever these may lack in polish, you more than make up for it with enthusiasm and preparation. Who didn’t love The Tonight Show with Johnny? He set the bar….no one else has ever come close. And these podcasts are like having a backstage pass. I’m hooked!

  15. Joey Dans Joey Dans

    Hello Mark….

    I can’t tell you enough what a joy it is to
    Listen to your entertaining podcast…

    When I was growing up, I loved watching
    Johnny at any and all opportunities .

    Tonight Show, Celebrity roasts,
    Carson comedy classics , etc.

    Many of us miss him dearly, and your
    Shows are like a touchstone that lets
    Us relive some of his magic, and
    Enlightens us with story’s many of us
    Would never know about the wide
    Ranging influence Johnny had.

    I feared his legacy would be forgotten,
    By the younger generation, but your
    Show gives me hope that even they
    Can discover and learn about just
    How talented and generous he really was.

    I would love to see you produce a video
    Version of some of your most
    Memorable guests retelling their stories.

    Maybe Someday…???

    In any event, please keep going with
    The podcasts, they are wonderful. 😊👍

  16. Jeffrey Lee Hollis Jeffrey Lee Hollis

    I have recently discovered this podcast and now, I am completely obsessed with it! It’s like chocolate-covered crack! Keep up the great work! Thank you!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Very nice to hear, Jeffrey! Thanks so much!

  17. David David

    Great podcast. Thanks from Canada for doing an amazing job.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate it, David! I hope you’re doing great in Canada!

  18. Amazing Randy (not Randi) Amazing Randy (not Randi)

    Mark, love the Carson podcast. I remember even watching his daytime quiz show before he took over the Tonight Show, then being fascinated with his entire late night run. I never saw a Carson show in person but I did attend a Letterman show in the Nineties. One guest that night was Gilbert Gottfried. So your visits on Gilbert’s podcast completed a Carson circle for me. You’re quite the Renaissance man and I’m very happy you’ve included the Carson podcast in your busy schedule. Also, does anyone know the name of the big-band theme song for the podcast? Continued success.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Randy!

  19. John John

    Mark, I just want to say how much I love this podcast. I have enjoyed every episode and it brings back so many memories of the past and a simpler time. Todays generation does not appreciate how these shows were part of a family bond that does not exist anymore Families would huddle around the TV for their favorite show without smartphones tablets etc. I think your Interviewing skills are tremendous and I am amazed how you make the guests feel comfortable with expressing their feelings about Johnny Carson. The fact is Johnny Carson is a legend and todays talk show host just do not have the same effect on the audience. I just want to say thank you and how much I enjoy all of these shows. Thank You

  20. JR Smith JR Smith

    Having worked briefly as a Page at NBC Burbank in the late 70s, in an around Studio One, your podcasts have brought back some wonderful memories! Thank you for doing this.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      JR, I appreciate you listening to the podcast! That’s so great you worked as a NBC Page in Burbank. That lot is television history. All my best!

  21. Martin Krikorian Martin Krikorian

    Hi Mark,

    It would be helpful to have information about your sponsors listed on the podcasts, so that if I hear about something I want to look into I can come to the website and find it. Right now I have to go back in the show and zoom back and forth trying to find the ad.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Martin, thanks for your feedback. That makes a lot of sense.

  22. As a comedy writer, your podcast is the greatest boon to my existence. When I have a gun to my head after a call to my agent, it is the memory that I have not yet heard all of your interviews that makes me put the gun down and start clicking my keyboard.

    I particularly love how, when a guest forgets the name of a comedian or a bit, you very modestly but quickly fill in the blank. God bless your encyclopedic memory of comedy and comedians.

    I will spread the word, Mark, and thank you for the time you have put into this, obvious powered by love, and the hours of wonderful entertainment you have created with some of the cleverest and most interesting minds in the world.

  23. ps. Here’s a vote to activate comments for each individual podcast. I would love to hear others chime in with anecdotes about a particular guest or bit. Thanks, Mark!

  24. Brad Kort Brad Kort


    Thank you for keeping Johnny alive in this way. I love your podcast and the guests! As a fellow Nebraskan I grew up loving Johnny. We took such pride in him being from “our” state. (He also gave us kids an excuse to stay up late on school nights.) My parents loved him as well.

    Your podcast is like oxygen for Johnny and keeps his memory alive.

    Thanks again,

    Brad Kort

    P.S. I am going to the donation site now.

  25. Jim Cook Jim Cook

    It suddenly occurred to me: You really are capturing as much a slice of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson as you are capturing slices of various personality’s careers. This is worthy of being preserved. Have the folks at any of the broadcast museums contacted you?

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      You are nice, Jim! No, they haven’t contacted me. But I appreciate your kind words.

  26. Jack Ballas Jack Ballas

    What is the likelihood that you could get Johnny Mathis on as a guest? I understand that Johnny (Carson that is) was a great fan of Mathis who was on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” over 30 times.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Great suggestion! I’ve actually attempted numerous times to get Mr. Mathis on the podcast. You’re right. He was on a lot!

  27. Mark Brim Mark Brim

    This is amazing! You are a saint. Thank you for the hard work. I absolutely love this podcast series.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate it, Mark!

  28. Mark,

    Truly nice to see Johnny Carson appreciated, especially nowadays where crass rules media and style and class are considered antiquities. Looking at the old roasts versus what they pass off now, I just cringe. Johnny was not perfect; but he projected a style and class that made you want to do better. Standards. I recall watching the live tapings in Burbank in the early eighties and just marveling at the setup, how the guests interacted, how the audience was thrilled. Like so many I am glad to have had the chance to experience The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Those days are sadly gone. Thanks for your work.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I greatly appreciate it, William! Glad you got to see the show live in Burbank!

  29. Peter Jenkins Peter Jenkins

    Hi Mark,
    I am just catching up on a few of your episodes from earlier this year. Bob Anderson? Wow, what a superb guest he was. What I liked so much was the way that you just sat back and let him tell stories from the truly glory years of Las Vegas. So many other interviewers would’ve have interrupted him and distorted great story telling in the process. As an aside, as a Las Vegas aficionado, Bob is exactly correct on his assessment of the former jewel of the desert. The class and style of that era have been subsequently replaced by a rather poor substitute whose over-the-top price tag will make you poor long before you step up to the blackjack table. Oh, to go back in time.
    Anyway, I just love your podcast, your style, your attention to detail and your lineup of superb guests. You should be so proud.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for your kind comment!

  30. Jean Gilliland Jean Gilliland

    Thank you for this podcast! I’m old enough to have grown up with Carson and young enough to have appreciated Letterman, and I watched both shows as often as possible. This podcast is keeping the Carson legacy alive, and I have really enjoyed listening to your interviews, which have provided insight not only into The Tonight Show but many aspects of late night television in general. Most of all, I appreciate that your podcasts are providing listeners a fuller idea of the man Johnny Carson, who seems obviously more decent and more human than the mostly one-sided biographies have led readers to believe. You are doing Johnny Carson and his admirers a great service!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for your nice words, Jean!

  31. Hey Arnold Hey Arnold

    Any possibility there could be a future “Carson Podcast” meets “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” collaboration interview? I know Conan has interacted with Johnny on occasion (The Simpsons ’92, at a 1993 Bob Wright party, during that 2001 NBC late night documentary that Conan put together, & in the 2004 phone call when Conan got the Tonight Show)

    Love your podcast & I truly think Conan would be an incredibly thought provoking guest, if possible to book??

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I’ve invited Conan on the podcast multiple times. If he thinks I’d be a good guest I’d go on his podcast he asked. Thanks!

  32. Mitch Metcalf of ShowBuzzDaily Mitch Metcalf of ShowBuzzDaily

    Jimmy Fallon got a contract renewal at NBC but it’s not mentioned for how long… I’m guessing it could be a 6 month renewal? Perhaps a Tonight Show transition happening in February 2022 during the Olympics again!!! Seth Meyers enters the chat.

  33. Jim Stolpa Jim Stolpa

    I am a Carson devotee and worship anything related to Carson. His walk up music is my ringtone and I always love to hear Doc’s band. Love listening all of your guests and really love that the interviews aren’t rushed at all. Glad to hear this great entertainer is not forgotten along with all of these stories.

  34. Jay Jay

    I became a Carson fan as a teenager, four years after he left TV. I was reading “King of the Night” and the Craig Tennis book in high school, along with buying bootleg VHS tapes off the internet. I was also one of those people who wrote a complaint to Jay Leno (when he had the show) and got a phonecall back from him.

    Mark, your show is fascinating; the Bill Carter episodes were some of the most gripping interviews I have ever heard. Don’t worry about going too deep into the weeds; the people listening to your show are already obsessed with the topic.

    I can see your show growing to encompass the entirety of late night TV, as you already talk a lot about Leno, Letterman, Arsenio, etc. Best wishes.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Sorry for the delay thanking you for your nice words! Agreed Bill Carter was a fantastic guest. I’m sure we could have done additional episodes.

  35. Mark, I am THOROUGHLY enjoying your excellent interviews, will be sad when I’ve heard them all. I will prob listen to the entire set again bc they’re marvelous and it’s hard to find a really a good podcast like this one. Have you thought about doing a talk show of some kind with contemporary guests? Radio, YouTube, cable, another podcast, etc.?

  36. You’d mentioned ending the podcast on the 30th anniversary of Carson’s finale, but you’re still here! With GGACP on at least on pause following Gilbert’s death I’d be losing my two favorite sources of new interviews about mid-late 20th century showbiz, so I hope you’ll continue and possibly expand your focus to other chat of that era: How Roger Ailes went from John & Yoko as Mike Douglas Show co-hosts to creating the right-wing movement vortex Fox News, the debacle of Westinghouse’s transitioning from beloved Mike Douglas to a failed John Davidson Show, Merv’s brilliant (and rarely told) maneuvers that took him around the VHF dial with different bosses but ultimately outearning Johnny exponentially on business savvy alone while outrunning a scandalous (for its time and maybe ours) private and office life and even coopting that as a ‘last act as farce’ swansong.

    Which is to say it is possible to exhaust the subject of Johnny Carson, but his network and major syndicated cohorts are as much the overall story of how celebrity chat shows changed our relationship to celebrity in an era that saw that world literally become indistinguishable from that of political leadership.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Vid! I enjoy hearing the stories from the other shows. Especially Tom Synder and his Tomorrow show. Merv was a guest with Carson during the Burbank era and it was interesting hearing the one time rivals chat.

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