Rick Andreoli

Former NBC graphic artist Rick Andreoli discusses making the “More to Come” artwork, Johnny mentioning him on air, and his phone chat with William Paley.

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11 comments on “Rick Andreoli

  1. Good show.

  2. I am fortunate to know Rick who is the art director for our Alfa Romeo Owners Club. He is a brilliant illustrator and is loved by every club member and probably anyone who has the good fortune to meet him. The podcast interview of Rick is great! It now gives me even more of a reason to hold Rick in high regard!
    Thank you for the Carson Padcast!

    • Agreed about Rick! Thanks for your nice words.

  3. What an amazing Podcast! Loved going back with Ricky and The Tonight Show. Real fly-on-the-wall show business stuff!

    • Yes, I loved Rick’s stories!

  4. Hey Mark,
    What a great episode! Rick’s stories from a rather bygone era in artistic design were just so interesting.
    On a more general note, Mark, I love how you keep it all “family friendly” within your podcast. It’s becoming a rather rare quality in podcasts, so I really appreciate your classy and professional approach to the craft. Well done!

    • So glad you liked it! I learned a lot from Rick. And thanks for your nice words.

  5. Excellent job Rick! And great questions, Mark. You guys covered a lot of territory. Really enjoyed it.

    • Thanks, Don! Rick was a fantastic guest.

  6. Great job Rick! Very articulate. And great questions Mark. Enjoyed it very much.


    • I appreciate it!