Howard Smith

Howard Smith discusses his friendship with Johnny, playing tennis together, the two times Johnny got emotional, & having dinner with Carson just two week before he passed away.

Category: Podcast

13 comments on “Howard Smith

  1. Mark, I’ve been a fan of Johnny since the early 80s, when I’d sneak downstairs after bedtime to see what my mom was laughing so much about late at night. Flash forward a few decades and I’m an expat artist and educator — I enjoyed scouring the Internet for old Tonight Show episodes to listen to while in my painting studio at night. Sadly, the available videos online soon ran out, but fortunately I stumbled across your podcast. I’m thrilled to hear the memories, stories, and shared love of Carson from you and your interviewees; this episode with Howard Smith was absolutely the best I’ve heard so far. You guided Howard to reveal so much about Johnny, and I appreciate the comic genius of Johnny even more for being a truly beautiful person and just a regular guy. And cheers to your excellent interviewing and podcasting skills. Well done, sir! I look forward to more gems from your podcast, and eagerly mine your backlog of archived episodes for more Johnny joy. Cheers from Tangier!

    • That’s great to hear! Yes, Howard Smith was incredible. He had me on every word. Thank you.

  2. This was the best podcast so far! You know me by my Twitter name “DidTheyLetUVote”, well done Mark.

    • All credit to Howard Smith! Thanks for your nice words.

  3. The really fortunate people are not the ones who knew Johnny but the lucky people who know and are friends of Howard Smith. What he said is true and accurate. Howard Smith never forgets his friends and has always been there for them. That is why so many famous people are proud to be friend of Howard and Jane Smith. I am fortunate to one of his friends for 45 years.

    • Great to know!

  4. I have known Howard Smith for 45 years and can attest that this is a fair and honest story of the relationship between Johnny Carson and Howard. It is no surprise to me that Carson, as well as anyone who knows Howard, felt very comfortable and safe with the loyalty that Howard shows so generously with all his friends, from the unknown to the famous. In all the years I have known Howard, I have never heard him speak bad about anyone and his support of his friends is without condition. I agree with Howard that so much in life is luck and I was lucky enough to move next door to Howard and Jane Smith 45 years ago.

    • Tom, thanks for sharing about Howard! I was honored to chat with him.

    • Well said Tom!

  5. Great interview! I’d love to hear more about Howard. Sounds like a fascinating guy.

    • Thanks, Bob! Agreed Howard was amazing.

  6. Well, I have known Howard probably the longest of anyone! 68 years? We met in college, introduced him to his wife Jane, and was his best man at his wedding!
    The interview was so interesting I listened to it to completion. I learned more about Howard, some things I did not know and of course his close friendship with John. I have always understood why celebrities like Jonny Carson, and many more became such close friends with Howard. It is so true as he treats everyone the same! Friends, his yardman, horse trainer or whomever, always the same! His sense of humor is hilarious! And some of the antidotes in the interview are so true Howard!
    I talked to Howard after I listened to the interview, and strongly suggested he write a book based on his friendship with John. Obviously it should include many to the topics and experiences he shared in his interview, NO ONE knew John like Howard did and it should be put in writing as soon as possible.
    Johnny is a living legend, and millions only knew him as the late-night host and celebrity. ONLY Howard knew the real Johnny

    • Whitney, so happy you enjoyed Howard’s episode! His stories were absolutely incredible. Very cool you’ve been friends with Howard for 68 years.