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  1. Thomas Clancy Thomas Clancy

    Hello, Mark!
    Congratulations and thanks for your work with these interviews. My brother told me about them, and they really are as golden as all the memories we have from those years.

    Hope you can continue with many others!

  2. Thomas Nettleton Thomas Nettleton

    Thanks so much for this excellent podcast! I am really enjoying your interviews, especially Dick Cavett and Tom Dreesen. I watched Johnny from a very young age until his retirement. You are doing a great job getting some very revealing information about the man. I always say to my kids that Johnny taught me what was funny. Now, my teenage sons actively seek out any material from Johnny’s shows on Youtube, etc.

    Keep up the great work and thank you again!

  3. Mark, great theme for a podcast. I listen while running. Minor suggestion–I do an industry podcast and listen to many. You have great insight but you talk over your guests a little too much. Dial it back a bit but keep going. Regards

  4. Daniel Bryant Daniel Bryant

    Excellent podcast, I enjoy it immensely. One comment for improvement, try to keep your guests closer to the microphone. Your interview with Dick Cavett was really good but sometimes it was hard to hear him.

  5. Tim Tim

    A simple note of thanks. I’m loving the show and wish you much success!


  6. Barb P Barb P

    Really enjoy these interviews. Good luck and hope you get David Steinberg..b

  7. mark robbins mark robbins

    excellent podcast. Those of us old enough to have had the privilege of being entertained by Johnny Carson know that we were in the presence of a rare talent that is not likely to come our way again. The combination of style, class, basic Midwest decency from a different age and sheer talent combine with what appears to be an inherent shyness and the impishness of a little boy to make him an endlessly fascinating character; one we can’t seem to get enough of. Please get the old timers to give their thoughts and insights on the man while we still have them!

  8. Gary D Morgan Gary D Morgan


    Thank you for hours of stimulating conversation on your podcast. Your knowledge and preparation for each podcast is evident and the ease at which your guests reveal their experiences is a tribute to your skills and ability. Your look “behind the curtain” is fascinating and captivating. Once again thank you.

  9. Carol Ellis Carol Ellis

    I’m enjoying your podcast very much. The guests are so entertaining and you are so knowledgeable about Johnny and his guests. Your questions are outstanding. Thank you!

  10. Dear Mark:

    Thank you for the outstanding and inspiring podcast. As an aspiring comedy writer, I find each episode enlightening and highly entertaining. Just listened to Phil Rosenthal. It killed. One suggestion. I think you should use his highly memorable line from that interview in your intro…or perhaps your outro. “There are lots of presidents…there’s only one Johnny Carson.” That sort of sums up the entire ethos of your podcast quite nicely.

    -Peter Weisz

  11. Johnny Johnny

    Mark – great podcast! Thanks!

  12. George Hughen George Hughen

    Great podcast! Is now one of my favorites! Two problems with the audio, however: 1) I listen to podcasts with only one earphone in my ear, so that I can listen safely while driving — please record in MONO! Stereo recording makes it impossible to hear both you and your guest clearly. I don’t have this problem with any other podcasts. 2) Please do not use automatic level-control recording mode. This causes a terrible hiss to come out in the gaps when no one is speaking, and is very annoying. Otherwise, I greatly enjoy your guests and the conversations!

  13. John John

    Mark, Wonderful work with your podcast. I’m impressed with your ability to get such a variety of guests to speak with and you do a great job. Your enthusiasm and energy, as Peter Lassally said is a tremendous asset.
    Keep up your great work.


  14. Steve Tefft Steve Tefft

    Hi – Found your podcast on I-Tunes. In a word FANTASTIC! You do a great job of interviewing and getting the guests to talk about the behind the scenes stuff that most people don’t know about. I also like how you talk about the guests career along with all the Carson inside info. A top 5 podcast for me. Thanks!

  15. Lola Lola

    Just wantd to drop a note to say that I really enjoy the Carson Podcast. It is so interesting to hear the behind the scenes details of Johnny and his guests. I look forward to each new episode. Mark, your excitement is a delight. You have me hooked!

  16. Tony Susnick Tony Susnick

    Mark, I love the podcast and your enthusiasm. Its now my favorite and I look foward to new ones. I wish you good luck and keep up the excellent work!
    Tony S

  17. Mike Mike

    Great podcast. Bring back Dick Cavett. Larry MIller would be a great guest.

  18. Hi Mark-
    I’ve been listening to your Podcast for a few weeks now, and I love it! As soon as I saw it on iTunes I knew I had to grab it!
    Its so great that you started this because I know there are a lot of people who, like me, stayed to 1:00 in the morning, and then
    hopped on the school bus blurry eyed from watching Johnny all night.

    That was in the early 70s mind you, but I loved the idea of being on top of show biz stories and felt hip watching the show.
    Even though I lived next to a dairy farm. As a matter of fact, you may know, Doc Severinsen lived in Sussex County, NJ, and his kids went to my school. So that was a commute for him.

    I do have a good Mel Brooks story though. I worked at Random House in the 1980s and Mel came in one day to visit his cousin Howard Kaminsky. Well the news spread pretty fast and I left my office to hopefully “bump” into Mel. But Mel stayed in Howard’s office for a while and I had to get back to work. I get to the lobby and than step into the elevator, when I hear “hold the elevator!” I hold the elevator door, and who walks in? Mel Brooks!!
    My brain is now exploding with what? A million one liners of course. I hold my hand out and tell him I’m a big fan. He shakes it politely.
    Then as I shake I say “I guess you never thought you’d be meeting ME today! Mel laughed! I made Mel Brooks laugh!
    It was a good day. And I have a great story.

    Thanks for the Podcast.

    Brian McCarty

  19. Dan Dan

    I’m loving every minute of your Pod Cast1

  20. Claudia Imatt Claudia Imatt

    Thanks for all the great guests and memories. I struggle to hear them week after week – please do something about the volume. No other podcast gives me the same trouble, so I’m pretty sure my ears are fine!

  21. Milt Milt

    Interesting Buck Henry interview, but the podcast was so quiet that I had to turn the volume up sky high and even then it was hard to hear. It’s been like this for several podcasts now, and really needs to be fixed pronto!

    Any luck getting interviews from anybody in the Tonight Show band, or maybe a long time stage hand about setting up for the show?

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for letting us know, Milt. We’re trying different methods to increase the volume. This weeks episode with the Amazing Kreskin should hopefully be louder. If it’s quiet try re-downloading it (we just put up a new louder version.) I’d love to have Doc on an episode. We have a gentleman who held the curtain open for Johnny for something like twenty years coming on the show.

  22. George Robertson George Robertson

    Mark, finally seeing your picture, I wonder how you were even aware of the Tonight Show, going back to the days of truly limited content! I mean only the 3 networks, meant for tremendous shared moments the next day. Finally heeding your request to review your podcast, lead me here. And what a treat seeing current pictures of guests my brothers and I enjoyed oh so many years ago. Can it be it has been more than 50 years since Johnny was on. My goodness he came in to our homes every night. He was like a friend. And I think it was Orson Bean who said Johnny liked conversation, lacking in today’s shows. Its true. How else could you have a guest on every 3 months, or with even greater frequency.
    Your show is a hit with me, and all my friends in Northern California. Thanks for what you are doing to revive the art of conversation!
    Now here is a question: Can you give us a heads up as to who you will be next interviewing? And I think the Buck Henry interview was one of the best so far, FYI!

  23. Great stuff, Mark. I’m just wondering if you can ask one of the inner circle a question regarding this:

    In one episode of “Dinner For Five”, Jon Favreau guest Burt Reynolds recounts a conversation with Freddie DeCordova in which Burt asks what this wall with names is, and it’s explained to him that it’s a blacklist of guests who will never be on the show. I’d love to know who all those names were.

  24. Jeff Fisher, Raleigh, NC Jeff Fisher, Raleigh, NC

    Hey Mark,

    What a great podcast! Thanks so much for taking the time and keeping the Carson love going. I’m 42 and used to watch Carson every night with my parents every night before bedtime. I also took up trumpet in band because of Doc Severinson.

    I’m finding myself cheering for you every time you score another big interview.

    Keep it up!


  25. Charlie Charlie

    Enjoy your podcast. It makes my drive to work so much more enjoyable.

    Jack Douglas was the writer with his wife Reiko who were frequent talk show guest that Buck Henry was referred to but could not remember their names.

  26. Terry Grissom Terry Grissom

    I love your podcasts and I love hearing the stories. Thumbs up! You make my work commute enjoyable!!

  27. Jeff Gehringer Jeff Gehringer

    Love the show!. You do a great job of getting the big interview.

    One request. I love the shows that are focused on Johnny Carson & the Tonight show. Shows like Tom Dresen & Jim Fowler. These shows stayed on the topic of this podcast. Johnny Carson. Other programs spend more time becoming a career retrospective of the guest, and stray from the Carson topic. We are here because of our admiration for Johnny.

    Just a thought…. Keep up the great work.

  28. Hi Mark,
    My wife and I love your podcast, and we want to encourage you to keep up the great work. I was fortunate enough to appear twice on the Tonight Show with Carson during the 1980’s and your podcast brings back many fond memories of my experience. My partner and I did a juggling act that involved throwing knives around Carson(The Raspyni Brothers)he emerged unscathed, but the experience definitely did change me forever.
    All the best

  29. Loving these podcasts, Mark. Thank you for bringing all these great memories to life.

  30. Kurt Wiesenberger Kurt Wiesenberger

    Hi Mark’
    I love your interviews and podcasts. Just read an article in Sports Illustrated that Johnny thought that Bob Uecker (over 100 appearances) was the funniest man alive. Check it out and keep up the good work.

    All the best,

  31. George Hughen George Hughen

    You are doing a great job! Mark, can you please find out how history has been rewritten to make so many people claim that the Zsa Zsa cat incident never happened? Snopes reports that it didn’t happen. I vividly recall seeing the episode myself, and laughed my myself silly! Johnny’s reply was perfectly timed. I assume that Zsa Zsa lawyered up and got Johnny to deny it in the Jane Fonda appearance, but it is odd that it has been covered up so well.

  32. Grant Grant

    Hello Mark:

    I wanted to commend you for YOUR growth as these interviews continue. When you first started you tended to interject and even finish sentences or stories if the subject took a beat.

    You’ve done a rare thing and listened to your critics and I wanted to take the time to commend you!

    I just finished your last interview with Irving Davis. Surprisingly, he was your most “inside” and therefore one of the most interesting
    interviews. I was very, very sorry to hear the interview only lasted 1/2 hour. You could have spent an hour alone on the person that attacked Johnny. WHAT? I never heard this before and wish you followed up. He handed you a diamond- as far as I can see very quickly there is nothing on the internet on this. In addition his impressions of celebrities were invaluable. I wish you pursued
    how more people treated this man. I assume he didn’t wish to expand upon his “one incident” that he felt wronged and that you followed up and edited- There seemed to be at least 5-10 obvious edits…..

    Anyway, I love the show! Your enthusiasm still shows through and skills are improving with each interview. Only thing I’d ask is that you listen to the answers to the questions and follow through and worry less about getting through your prepared questions!

    Keep up the great work!

  33. Greg Greg

    Thank you thank you.
    Thank you for an entertaining look into this cultural phenomenon.
    I grew up watching Johnny, and your podcast means a lot to me.

  34. Erik DuBois Erik DuBois

    Great stuff. Thanks for all the time and energy you put into this. Makes me miss Johnny even more!

  35. wallis erickson wallis erickson

    Mark, it’s been a long time now between shows. We need more! It’s my favorite podcast.

  36. Lawrence Lawrence

    Is the podcast coming back?

  37. Mike Barton Mike Barton

    Absolutely love the podcasts!!! Are there more coming?

  38. Johnny Johnny


    Glad the shows resumed – I was worried when you went on hiatus.

    Thanks for the entertainment and memories!

    – Johnny

  39. Jack Jack

    Greetings Mark:
    Last week on the day I returned home from the hospital having had back surgery an associate tipped me to your Carson Podcast series. Since then the enjoyment I have gotten from these Podcast has greatly reduced my awareness of pain. Excellent Mark.
    In the 1970’s Johnny Carson had the penthouse apartment six buildings down from where I was living with my parents. The building where we lived had a bar in the lobby area which became party central when the Yankees were in town for spring training. Not often, but every so often Johnny would pop in for a cocktail. I began seeing him during his daily walks on Gault Ocean Mile, at the lobby bar and around town. When we were near each other he would say “kid are you stalking me” to which I replied “yes”. I made Johnny laugh!
    Keep up the great podcast series. Jack

  40. Mark,

    What a treat to be interviewed by you! Congrats on your podcasts. You are a class act!


    Steve Mittleman

  41. Bill Bill

    Hello Mark,

    Recently I started listening to–and enjoying immensely–your podcasts. I’ve heard several thus far, my favorite being Orson Bean.

    I have a suggestion for someone you might enjoy interviewing, if you can get him. Just the other day the name Monti Rock III popped into my head. You’ve probably heard of him. He was on the Tonight Show a number of times, mostly in the 1970s, I believe. He was a rather odd, flamboyant performer (singer /musician). I always found his conversations with Johnny to be a bit off-beat, but interesting. My understanding is that he is still out there performing somewhere, and that he’s gotten even stranger then he was during his years with Carson. Perhaps you have already contacted him; if not, perhaps you should try. In the meantime, thank you for your excellent, enjoyable podcast!!


  42. Gary Tallman Gary Tallman

    Hi Mark, Really enjoy the podcasts. have you tried to get Bob Uecker. he would make an excellent guest. Maybe once the baseball season ends.

  43. Really enjoy the podcasts, Mark. One of my favorites is the one with Florence Henderson. I don’t know if you ever re-run episodes, but since her passing, more people might like to hear her.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday yesterday!

  44. Mark Mark

    Any chance that you could interview Phyllis Newman if she’s available? She’d be delightful to hear about her many appearances! Love your podcast, thanks.

  45. Cliff Shattuck Cliff Shattuck

    Mr. Malkoff:

    Fantastic podcasts. I have been listening for about a year and am working my way through older episodes. I respect how much prep you put into every episodes and it really makes for a great product. I have noticed many times that your guests are impressed by your knowledge of the subject.

    I am interested in collecting as much video content of the carson shows with the least duplication and I was wondering if you by any chance had a master shopping list?

    Thanks again for all the hard work.

  46. Jarrod Jarrod

    Love the podcast. Just curious as to why you haven’t interviewed Don Rickles or Bob Newhart yet.

  47. aggie jim aggie jim

    I love the music you play before and after the show. is it Doc severson your doing a great show

  48. Aggie Jim Aggie Jim

    I want to tell you how much I enjoy your pod cast. I didn’t know there was so much that went in to do a nightly show.
    Keep up the good work

  49. Matt Matt

    Very late to the party, but I’m enjoying your interviews tremendously. I’m making a point of listening in order, and at a pace of about five or six a week, I should be caught up in no time. Then I’ll be twiddling my digital thumbs waiting for the next one. Keep up the great work!

  50. Mark, I absolutely LOVE your Carson Podcast. I’ve been a Carson fan since I was eight when I used to sneak out of bed when my parents went to sleep and watch the Tonight Show, sitting right up against the screen with the sound down low, so as not to get caught. You are a gifted interviewer and your love and enthusiasm for Johnny and his legacy is palpable in these podcasts. Thank you so much and all the best. Wayne Martin, d/b/a Wayne Martin Puppets, Boston, MA

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Wayne! Very cool that you were such a Carson fan from such an early age. I appreciate your nice words.

  51. New Zealand fan New Zealand fan

    Mark – have recently discovered your podcast and feel like I’ve stumbled across a goldmine! Thank you from someone who a) was 10 years old when Johnny went off the air and b) has never even lived in America. In fact I only really discovered Johnny about 5 years ago – thank god for Youtube – and it is not too much to say I fell in love and remain so. No one will ever compare. I seriously cannot wait to listen to every single guest. Also – please please try to interview Bob Newhart and Betty White while they’re still with us! Thank you again from NZ

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for your kind words! Wow. Your back story is very unique. I’m honored that you listen to the podcast. Bob Newhart and Betty White are both on my wish list. We shall see!

  52. Hank Hank

    I first heard you on GIlbert Gottfried’s podcast which turned me on to yours. I’ve been enjoying it, especially because I was a page at NBC in the late 1960s when the Tonight Show was in NYC and worked the show often. I have so many memories and stories from then. If you haven’t already, you should do a episode about the New York Tonight Show band which had some of the top names in jazz in it, including Clark Terry and Snooky Young.

  53. I first heard you on Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast. Now I’m addicted to your as well. Your interview with Bogdonavich should win some kind of award. Wow. You asked great questions that really brought the stories out, and he has them. Nicely done.

  54. Richard Lachat Richard Lachat

    Absolutely brilliant podcast. In the years to come, it will be recognized as a classic.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Richard!

  55. Greg Greg

    From an interview with May Pang who lived with John Lennon for 18 months.

    Q. What did he like to do for fun?

    A. He loved being out by the water, because it reminded him of Liverpool. Our balcony in New York faced the East River. He loved getting on a boat, swimming, sitting in the sun. There’s a few pictures of him swimming or on a boat in my collection. He loved the simple things; things he grew up on. I used to make him the typical English breakfast of bacon and eggs, beans on toast and black pudding. He loved to watch television; it was the advent of cable TV.

    Q. What was his favorite show?

    A. Johnny Carson, all the way.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Greg, I had no idea. Thanks for letting me know. Very cool. I believe the only time John Lennon was on The Tonight Show was with guest host Joe Garagiola.

  56. Rick Kirkner Rick Kirkner

    Mark, Thank you so much for helping us remember and honor not only Johnny, but also the rest of his cast and crew and all of his fabulous guests over the years. Being a mailman on a mounted route , I enjoy listening to your interviews weekly while making my deliveries. I was lucky enough to see the tonight show live in 1975. Unfortunately, it was a Monday night and Johhy was off. McLean Stevenson was the host that night. Mclean was great, but we were really hoping to see Johnny. Thanks to your podcast ,I remember the whole experience very fondly and very often . Keep up the good work !

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Rick, thanks so much for your kind words! Glad to hear you listen during your work route. So wonderful you got to see the show live with McLean as guest host. Would have loved to have him on the podcast. All my best!

  57. Robert Robert

    Thank you Mark Malkoff for spending the time, effort & resources on this passion project! This collection should be apart of any Johnny Carson museum. This is incredible thanks to your sincerity, joy, passion & incredible knowledge of Carson. The best interviews are usually the ones I expect the least from. Ray Combs Jr, Teresa Ganzel & Frank Abagnale are among my favorites. Not only is this a fascinating exploration of Johnny, it’s a great look at the history of late night TV with guests who crossed paths with Letterman, Parr, Steve Allen, Joan Rivers & the entire pantheon. Just like Johnny’s show, this is an oasis of fun & intelligence in a crazy world. As the host of 2 podcasts myself, I understand what goes into this. As a kid who grew up a fan of late night & Carson, I need to give you a huge thanks & a round of applause for what you’re doing & what you’ve done.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Robert, I really appreciate your nice words! Hosting the Carson Podcast has been a labor of love.

  58. I absolutely LOVE this podcast! Mark Malkoff and his guests take us on some wonderful backstage memory tours of the Tonight Show. I have so much respect for the guests on The Carson Podcast, and those guests plainly respect Mark’s devotion to the subject. Mark has an encyclopedic knowledge of Johnny Carson lore, and he knows how to get the best stories out of some of the brightest stars of stage and screen. Johnny would flash the “OK” sign after every episode. Listening to the Carson Podcast is almost like watching the Tonight Show again – with Mark Malkoff sitting on the sofa next to Ed McMahon. His most recent interview with Trini Lopez was SUPER. Trini was right: Mark should have a television show interviewing the great guests from the Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.

  59. Kurt Wiesenberger Kurt Wiesenberger

    Hi Mark,
    I really enjoy your podcast. Your passion really comes through on each episode. Great recruitment of guests, great preparation, and wonderful enthusiasm. I hope you never run out of guests and find a few sponsors to help you out financially. BTW, I contributed to your last Patreon drive and its OK to mention my name.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for your kind words, Kurt! Also for the donation. We have some fun episodes coming up.

  60. Dear Mark,

    I enjoyed your conversation with Perry Cross. Perry’s interaction with you was interesting, and your insightful questions made it fascinating to listen to.

    I appeared on The Tonight Show with guest host Jerry Lewis during that magic period between Jack Paar and Johnny Carson. I was a fifteen year old comedy magician, and it was a sit-down interview with just me and Jerry. That was on October 6, 1962 which was the last night of Jerry’s amazing two week stint as guest host. I got to know Perry Cross quite well during the two week period Jerry was doing the show. Oh yes, several decades later, I became Jerry’s Personal Manager!

    Thanks for all your hard work on this website.

    Rick Saphire

  61. scott lilley scott lilley

    When you say that Rich Little Returns does that mean it’s a repeat? Also, your Graham Kaye interview was fantastic! Learned a lot about the private Johnny.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Scott, the Rich Little Returns is a new episode in which he returned to the podcast as a guest for the second time. Glad you liked the Graham Kaye episode!

      • Kurt Siegenthaler Kurt Siegenthaler

        Have you tried to get Bob Uecker? Thanks

        • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

          I have. Hopefully it’ll happen at some point. Bob Uecker was great with Johnny.

  62. Jeffrey Schantz Jeffrey Schantz

    Wow Mark another Home Run interview with Marsha Mason.
    Excellent inside information on people and projects with tremendous Heart.
    Marsha was very comfortable in speaking with you and opening up about roles, relationships and observations.
    She was a joy to listen to – many Awesome accomplishment, but very humble in this discussion.
    The time flew by.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Jeffrey! I really enjoyed hearing Marsha Mason’s stories.

  63. Michael Lent Michael Lent

    Hi, Mark. Your interview with Peter Lassally was fascinating. Really wonderful. Felt like tip of the iceberg and that you both could have gone for hours.

    Afterwards, I looked for an autobiography by Mr. Lassally and was disappointed that he hasn’t written one.

    His unique life perspective and vantage point of the world of late night television would be invaluable to readers and historians. Please encourage Mr. Lassally to consider such an endeavor.

    Thank you.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Michael. Agreed it would be amazing if Peter Lassally wrote a book about this life and career. He normally stays out of the limelight so I doubt if it would happen. Mo Rocca’s recent profile of Peter Lassally on CBS Sunday Morning was excellent.

  64. Gilbert Gilbert

    Thanks for these many guests I remember from the Carson years..I have listened to everyone of them..I look forward every Thurs to the newest..

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I really appreciate it, Gilbert!

  65. Mark you interview with johnnys tennis instructor Graham was so heart felt and showed that Johnny was a caring regular guy! Keep up the good work. Please don’t have Monti Rock again he sounded so bittrt

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Gary, glad you liked the Graham Kaye episode! Thanks so much.

  66. Matt D. Matt D.


    I’m a huge fan of the show! Favorite episodes: Regis, Graham and both Peter L. episodes. Who is the dream guest at this point? Steve Martin would be at the top of my wish list. I’m sure you’ve reached out to him. Think it’ll ever happen? Thanks! Keep up the outstanding work.

  67. Dennis Guinta Dennis Guinta

    Your podcast makes bearable this long wait until the next “Carson” show. I would love a podcast with Angela Bofill, if she is up to it.

  68. Greg Greg

    Any chance of a book called “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson: An Oral History”?
    There are tons of people who don’t listen to podcasts but would love to read all of the great quotes from all of these people involved with the show.

    You are really a great interviewer btw. You don’t interject too much of yourself yet add just enough to make it fun and interesting.

  69. Hello Mark! Great to hear the podcast with Pete Barbutti. I met him in 1978 when, working as John Davidson’s photographer, I got to spend time with Pete when he was a guest speaker for John Davidson’s Singer’s Summer Camp – on Catalina Island. This summer marks the 40th anniversary of JDSSC – and the publication of my book “The JDSSC Experience” in September 2018. In addition to the book launch, John Davidson is coming to Catalina to allow for a special reunion. I’ve not been able to come up with a contact for Pete – to let him know should he wish to be part of the festivities. Should you have an online contact, or any way of reaching him – please let me know! Thank you!

  70. Charlie Sparks Charlie Sparks

    Just discovered your podcasts and enjoy them a lot! Donation to follow. A couple of ideas for you. Robert Blake and Phil Donahue. Phil had JC on his local Dayton, Ohio show in 1970. Cheers!

  71. Charlie Sparks Charlie Sparks

    Can you get Jeff Cesario back to talk about ‘Where’s Johnny’? That would be fascinating.

  72. Tom Sands Tom Sands

    Mark, it seems like almost every new episode leaves me to think that I just heard the best episode of the best podcast ever. But then I listen to another episode and I feel the same way. The most impressive aspect of your podcast is how knowledgeable you are about Johnny Carson, his guests, and entertainment in general. Next to that is how you take a guest that I would expect to be good, but because of your interviewing skills, it turns out to be great. Then, what really gets me is how you find someone that I would normally not even think of or not consider what they had to say very interesting and you make it downright fascinating.

    I always wanted to ask you about how you find a way to view many of the Carson episodes which I can’t find anywhere on the internet. Can I assume that you go to a special archive that is only open to historians like yourself or if there is some paid service to find episodes that survived from the recording over of videotape? Thank you for everything that you do.

  73. Frank Patrinicola Frank Patrinicola

    I really enjoy your podcast. Have you tried getting Phyliss Newman on the show? I just saw her in the 1968 movie Bye Bye Braverman, and I remember her being in Carson often. Keep up the great work capturing all of these great memories, stories, respect and love for one of television’s greatest programs.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Frank! Yes, I’ve tried getting Ms. Newman on the podcast. In addition to being a frequent guest with Johnny, Ms. Newman also guest hosted The Tonight Show.

  74. Joan Walsh Joan Walsh

    Hello everyone! I just found this podcast, and it’s amazing. I’m making a documentary on the week in February 1968 when Johnny Carson turned his show over to Harry Belafonte for a week, giving him carte blanche with the guests and format. He hosted an amazing lineup — Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll, Aretha Franklin; Paul Newman and Zero Mostel, plus half hour interviews with Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy. We are very much looking for folks who remember watching it in real time, and I couldn’t think of a better place to ask that question. Please feel free to answer here, or reach me at Best, Joan Walsh

  75. Gabe Temesvari Gabe Temesvari

    Mark, You did such a wonderful interview with Connie Francis! Thank you. She is indeed one of the true legends of music and such an inspiration to those (me included) who have remained her fans and friends for about six decades. Her story should be in a movie!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Glad you enjoyed the episode, Gabe! Agreed Ms. Francis is a true music legend. It was an honor to chat with her.

  76. Brent Brent

    I recently saw a home movie of the Las Vegas Strip in 1966 and on the Sahara’s Marquis was Johnny Carson and right below it was January Jones. I tried to look her up and couldn’t find much other than she was a singer and made a couple of Tonight Show appearances. So I was wondering if you had tracked her down or knew anything of her because I couldn’t find much.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate the guest idea, Brent! I’m definitely going to look into it. I believe she’s still in Las Vegas. Thank you.

  77. Nino Cefalu Nino Cefalu


    your interview about Johnny was kind, humble and very well spoken. It describes a beautiful friendship of two great people.


    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for sending it. Listener Andrew Loposha made me aware of the photo last month. It does prove he went to a funeral, but not sure if it was just a one time isolated incident.

  78. John John

    Johnny went to Jack Benny’s funeral and cried when he got home.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Interesting. I know Joanna Carson said he cried, but I didn’t know about the funeral. Where did you read or see that?

  79. Greg Greg

    Carson also attended Buddy Rich’s funeral in 1987 per the newspaper articles I’ve read.

    Anyway, Great show with Bill Carter. If you have time during Part II, can you ask him about Craig Kilborn? He’s disappeared from earth since leaving The Late Late Show in 2004. I have watched Peter Lasalley discuss the situation in his interview for the Archives of American Television, but would like to hear Carter’s take on it.

  80. Greg Greg

    Hello Mark – Follow-up email.

    I searched the newspaper archives and found articles about Carson attending funerals. Perhaps the Carson books should not be taken literally about his reluctance to attend services as it would be “about him” There were plenty of A-Listers at these services that the media fawned over.

    1. Jack Benny-1974
    2. Edgar Bergen-1978 (Carson also delivered a eulogy)
    3. David Janssen-1980 (Honorary pallbearer)
    4. Buddy Rich-1987

    I can email the newspaper articles if you want to see them.

    Keep up the great work!

  81. Greg Greg

    You’ve never had anything but great interviews, but those Bill Carter interviews were really something. I hope he comes back.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Greg! Bill was a phenomenal guest.

  82. Bill Bill

    Hi Mark, Great podcast. Very entertaining and informative. I watched Johnny for 25 years and watching the late night guys that are on now only makes me realize just how versatile Johnny really was and how it was that he was able to steadily grow his audience year after year. There’s no way anybody on late night now will last 30 years. Please ask Jeff Sotzing to air other shows. I watch Johnny’s show on Antenna TV and the only disappointing thing is that it is always the same roster of shows year after year. It would be nice to see some of the other 4300 shows to pick from. Keep up the great work.

  83. David Guercio David Guercio

    Hey Mark. How’s it going? My name’s David Guercio and just like all the other Johnny Carson fans. I’m a really huge Johnny Carson fan myself and this is a really cool podcast you created. I love it. The first episode I listened to was actually the one with Neil Patrick Harris. Where you guys talked about the magic he did on the show. If I remember right? That was great and I actually just subscribed to this podcast not to long ago and just listened to the first two episodes today. Those were great too. So I’ll keep on listening and I’ll look forward to hearing all the other shows and guests. I can’t wait. Keep it coming. See you on the Carson Podcast.


    Your friend and Johnny Carson fan

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I greatly appreciate it, David! Hard to believe we’ve done 301 episodes. Thanks.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Very cool! Thanks for posting.

  84. Frank Patrinicola Frank Patrinicola

    Jaye P Morgan?

    Hi Mark: First off I have to say I love the podcast. Brings back lots of great memories and so many interesting unknown facts and stories. I happened to be listening to some 1970’s music the other day and Jaye P Morgan’s self titled album from ’76 came up. (If you haven’t heard it it’s a soul classic). I did a little research and see that she’s 88 years old and still with us. She was on Carson many times and probably has some great stories. See this link..

    Maybe a good guest for your show.

    Frank P
    New Jersey 

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Frank! I’ve invited Ms. Morgan on the podcast multiple times. Would be great if it one day happened.

  85. Chris Speers Chris Speers

    Joel Tator was phenomenal – loved the insight into the tomorrow show – anything late night on the podcast is great stuff and all of late night is a tribute to Johnny- Continued success – I loved the behind the scenes discussion on SNL, Letterman, Leno, Snyder, Kilbourne, Ferguson – all great – Would love to hear more about Jack Paar – unchartered waters –

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Agreed Chris. Joel was a phenomenal guest. Thanks!

  86. What a delightful guest Emily Marshall turned out to be. Certainly, for my dime, one of the most sincere, interesting and genuine of all the guests you’ve had. Sometimes, I’ll skip an episode for folks I haven’t heard of. But she was great. So glad you’ve been able to sustain this podcast for so long, Mark!

  87. Michael Collins Michael Collins

    Hands down, the podcast I enjoy the most. My guess is you have, but have you ever tried to get Rex Reed on? Hard to believe how many times he guested on the Tonight Show.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks, Michael! Yes, I’ve invited him on. Would love to have him on.

  88. Scott Peterson Scott Peterson

    Pure gold. The interview with Regis was so entertaining and informative. Podcast time travel with two of the greats. Wow, T H A N K Y O U

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Glad you enjoyed it, Scott! It was a thrill sitting down with him.

  89. Arnold S. Arnold S.

    Hi Mark,
    Question not about Carson but instead about Conan. You are so knowledgeable in late night – so I figure you’ll probably know the answer to this.

    I’m a huge Conan fan & like many, i believe him staying at NBC beyond 2004 was a bad career move. I’ve read stuff about how FOX & ABC wanted Conan during this time, around 2004. I’m just curious if :

    1. Did ABC want him at 11:35 or 12:05 ? On his podcast with guest Jimmy Kimmel.. Kimmel said that he had heard ABC wanted to replace him with Conan back in 2004. Not sure if that literally meant 12:05 or rather 11:35 since ABC was looking for a 11:35 show back in 2002 with Letterman.

    2. The 2002 FOX pitch to Conan offered something like $20 million salary. But was the rest of the show supposedly a big budget? Because by 2010, it was reported that FOX wanted the budget to be cheap – less than $60M a year.
    Also, if Conan landed at FOX in 2002 or 2004, don’t you think the affiliates would have eventually demanded the timeslot back? I’m sure he’d be in 3rd place still in ratings (below Dave & Jay) – it’s sad to say but I couldn’t see a FOX show being a long term thing.

    I’m just rambling at this point Mark haha. But any insight on these 2002-2004 pitches to Conan would be greatly appreciated. It’s difficult to find any news about it from the online archives. Maybe him staying at NBC was truly the best option until Turner had the funds by 2010 to create a big show.
    Thanks for your time!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate your nice words!
      1. I’m sure it was discussed. Nothing serious. 2004 Kimmel was still very much struggling.
      2. Conan thought going to FOX was way too risky as they’ve never had a successful late night show. Plus as you mentioned getting all the affiliates on board would have been a huge challenge though I’m sure FOX would have pulled it off. Conan would have had higher numbers than Kimmel.Looking back he’s definitely glad how everything has worked out for him.

  90. Arnold S. Arnold S.

    Not so much a question that needs an answer, Mark.
    But before the Late Night documentary series airs on CNN (I assume it will air this Spring) – any possibility you can interview the great Bill Carter again?
    & if you do, maybe you can have your followers/fans provide some viewer questions to Bill again, because I definitely have a few!!

    Just an idea. Thanks Mark for all you do!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Definitely a possibility. Yes, if it happens we’ll do listener questions like last time. Thanks for asking.


    Priceless! These interviews are wonderful. I worked at NBC and on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” as a page from 1974-76. I even was requested to give a tour to one of Johnny’s relatives. I was called up to his office beforehand. He was wearing a gray jumpsuit and he asked me a few questions. I went on to work for NBC Burbank as an engineer. These were some of the best years of my life. Thanks for the memories!

  92. Hi Mark – Will you be sending out the PDF of the NY Carson Show History? Looking forward to reading it. Thanks, Doug

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Doug, It was emailed to back on April 29th at 10:05am. Happy to send it again now, but best to check your spam folder. Thanks.

  93. Jeffrey Mouk Jeffrey Mouk

    So sorry to hear of the passing of Charles Grodin. I’m thankful for your wonderful interviews with him. Good to know that his thoughts on his memorable appearances with Johnny Carson will not be lost to history. Thanks, Mark.

    (I also sent this as an email but then realized it would be more appropriate to post here.)

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much.

  94. Kim N. Kim N.

    Hi Mark- I truly LOVE your podcast. I was only in elementary school when Johnny Carson was on TV and was in college when he retired from his show. After college, I bought the box set DVD collection of The Tonight Show’s Greatest hits (pre Internet and Youtube). That was my only way of watching Johnny back then. I have always been a huge fan of Johnny Carson and your podcast has allowed me to be that fly on the wall. It’s a dream come true to be able to hear from your guests, stories about Johnny and their connection with the show/Johnny. You are fantastic with your knowledge, thoughtfulness and dedication. Your detailed research really shines through on each interview.

    Just like Johnny, you are a great listener and let your guests tell their story. Keep up the wonderful job!!!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks for your kind words, Kim!

  95. Beth C Beth C

    I have listened to all of the podcasts ( some more than once!). I was too young to watch until the early 80s ( except for the anniversary shows), but I always loved the show. I think you have done such a great job in finding these guests and asking the right questions. I have major respect for you and I am always here on Thursday to check what’s next. Mark Simone was the best and I am excited you brought him back. But, I love so many other interviews that it is hard to choose. But, I particularly enjoyed Ginny Stevenson and Perry Cross. I am interested in the Paar years too because they happened before I was born and they are so lost to memory due to the erased tapes. So, it is fun for me when guests give insight there. Anyway, I wanted to thank you!

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Beth! Agreed all those guests were great. In terms of Jack Paar be sure to check out the Hal Gurnee episode (Paar’s director).

  96. scott lilley scott lilley

    My favs to watch were Rodney Dangerfield, Robert Klein, Don Rickles, Burt Reynolds, Debbie Reynolds

  97. Scott Lilley Scott Lilley

    Hey Mark. I too am a Tonight Show fan and loved Johnny. Started watching in earnest about 1974. I am retired. If you need any research done or anyway I can cyber help let me know. Thanks for these wonderful interviews and all the work you do. You are awesome! BTW, I live in York, Pa., a stones throw from Hershey.

  98. Jay Jay

    Hello Mark,

    I Just started listening to your podcast about a month ago and I was wondering if you ever discussed Carson’s Comedy Classics. Since the Tonight Show was passed my bedtime in the 80’s that show was how I became a Carson fan.

    Also, it doesn’t seem as if you’re interested in selling merchandise but, I would love to have one of those Johnny mugs. Maybe you could manufacture some with the Carson podcast logo on it to generate some revenue for future episodes. In other words, please make them so I can buy one.

  99. Arnold S. Arnold S.

    Random question about The Tonight Show, but not during Johnny’s tenure but Conan’s. Rick Ludwin was instrumental in keeping Conan a float in 1993 & considering Mr. Ludwin was in charge of NBC late night timeslots, why didn’t he have a say during the 2010 Conflict? Was it a matter of Zucker & Gaspin overriding the situation? If that’s the case, it would appear that Lorne Michaels would have little say too if he had been a producer on Conan’s Tonight Show

  100. Michael Kay Michael Kay

    Listening to the current show and you mention Cronkite’s daughter. She has a memorable scene as a Patty Hearst type with a sub machine gun in the movie “Network” (NSFW)

  101. William Hill William Hill

    My best friend out of college went to work for Johnny Carson at the NBC studios right after the Johnny Carson moved his show from N.Y. to Burbank, Ca. in about 1972. I grew up in North Hollywood, Ca. My father worked in the movie and tv industry making props for movies and tv showsm

  102. Pat O'Neill Pat O'Neill

    Mark…I’m sorry to hear the podcast will be ending. Will your website be taken down or simply not include new episodes? Thank you for the many hours of entertainment. Pat

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate it, Pat! It’ll most likely stay up.

  103. Tom Andel Tom Andel

    Hi Mark. I just started listening to your podcast, and as a child of the 60s, I really enjoy remembering those classic Carson episodes with Rickles, and those rare occasions when Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin appeared. The third member of the Rat Pack, Sammy Davis, Jr. not only appeared on Carson many times, but hosted many times. He was a friend of Johnny’s, so I’m surprised Sammy’s rarely been discussed on your podcast.

    Although he’s no longer with us, I believe Sammy deserves his own episode on your podcast. You had George Schlatter on, and I know he knew Sammy and the Rat Pack very well. Maybe he could address how Sammy’s career coincided with the Carson years and the tumultuous historic events that took place during those years.

    I went to the Sammy Davis Info page, and judging from how many times Sammy both appeared and hosted Carson, he had to have been one of the most frequent guests. This is how the list his appearances:

    19 April 1965
    4 January 1966
    2-5 August 1966
    25-29 March 1968
    12 October 1970
    4 January 1971
    10 September 1973
    26-30 August 1974
    26-28 September 1977
    2 October 1978
    23 July 1979

    1964: 26 October
    1965: 10 June, 19 July, 30 July, 9 December
    1966: 2 May, 7 July, 27 September, 23 December
    1967: 25 April
    1968: 12 January
    1969: 17 February, 11 September
    1970: 1 October
    1971: 19 May, 20 May, 20 October, 2 November
    1972: 14 February, 19 April, 10 May, 6 December, 15 December
    1973: 8 January, 13 February, 24 May, 4 July, 26 July, 6 December
    1974: 19 April, 19 September, 24 September
    1975: 10 January, 14 January
    1976: 9 January
    1977: 26 April, 10 June
    1978: 2 May
    1979: 10 January, 4 May, 31 May
    1980: 19 March, 16 May, 1 August, 12 November
    1981: 15 October
    1982: 30 April, 5 October
    1983: 26 April, 21 October
    1984: 15 February, 23 May, 16 November
    1985: 14 June
    1986: 17 April
    1987: 23 April
    1988: 4 February, 30 June
    1989: 26 May

    Here’s the site this came from:

    What do you think?

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Tom, I love Sammy Davis Jr’s appearances with Carson as well as him guest hosting. For pretty much every guest I’m aware of who knew or worked with him I’ve brought him up. I really wish I could have gotten Billy Crystal as a guest to talk about him.

  104. Kenn C Kenn C

    Sorry to learn you are closing down

    Would be worth a shot for you take over the Gilbert Gottfried podcast
    Both your podcasts leave so much for history
    Sad to lose both of you this year
    Honest show biz behind the scene news won’t be the same

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      I appreciate your kind words. As of now there are 3 more scheduled eps including Gabe Kaplan.

  105. Bob Dukart Bob Dukart

    Mark, you have really gone out with a bang. Richard Lewis, Tina Sinatra, and Barry Gibb is more than I ever could hope for. Have been with you since you were on Gilbert and Frank’s podcast. I hope your future endeavors are full of success, good health, and lots of wealth. Be well and thanks again for the pleasure you gave to me listening all these years.

    • Mark Malkoff Mark Malkoff

      Thanks so much, Bob! It’s been a privilege hosting the podcast. I greatly appreciate you following me along on the journey.

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